How to fill in eyebrows naturally without makeup

March 10, 2023 2 min read

How to fill in eyebrows naturally without makeup

Put the mousse down and step away from the liner! In this blog we’re going to show you how to get beautifully full eyebrows without needing to touch that makeup case.

Ready? Read on.

What are eyebrows made of? 

Your eyebrows are just like your eyelashes: short strands of hair which go through their own growth cycle.

How do I protect them? 

Remember: what is true for your lashes, is also true for your eyebrows. Here are three things to think about: 

1) Removing Eyebrow Makeup

A regular cleansing routine will prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria which can damage the hair follicles along your eyebrows. 

2) Avoiding Toxins

Steer clear of products which might irritate your skin or cause inflammation around your eyebrows as this can inhibit their natural growth cycle.

3) Eating Healthy

Your eyebrows, just like every other part of your body, need a range of nutrients to be at their best. Even makeup can’t hide a malnourished brow, so keep that diet balanced and those vitamins flowing!

Can I use natural remedies to fill in my eyebrows? 

Spend five minutes online and you’ll find plenty of wild suggestions for the latest ‘incredible’ new natural way of boosting your lashes without makeup. Well, we’ve looked at olive oil, castor oil and even petroleum jelly, but the truth is, they simply don’t do anything! And if they don’t boost your eyelashes, they won’t be able to fill in your eyebrows either.

How to fill in eyebrows without makeup

The best way to fill in your eyebrows and keep them looking natural (no powders or pencils for you!) is to use a growth serum: a clinically-formulated set of ingredients brought together in one handy tube and proven to boost your natural hair growth cycle. 

And the great news is... the exact same growth serum you use on your lashes (say, for example, our very own rather gorgeous Silly George Lash Growth Serum) will work perfectly on your eyebrows as well.  

So, say goodbye to the daily makeup grind and fill in those eyebrows in just 6 weeks!