The perfect lash for Hooded eyes

May 18, 2021 2 min read

The perfect lash for Hooded eyes

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul but each window has its own distinctly beautiful frame – which is another way of saying that eye shapes differ from one woman to the next.  

There are said to be 6 main eye shapes, and these can be further broken down into subsets according to criteria like width apart etc. But that’s only important if you know what shape your eye is to begin with.  

How do you know if you have hooded eyes? A quick glace in the mirror should do the trick. If you have a prominent brow and your eyelids are hidden when open - you have hooded eyes.  

Picking the wrong lashes can make your eyes look small and pulled down. So go for long and fluttery lashes to lift and brighten your eyes. 

Any special makeup tips for Hooded Eyes?  

When you apply makeup to your eyes you want to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. Since you have beautiful hooded eyes you should make sure you use eye makeup primer to reduce smudging. 

Choose a light eye shadow as it brings you eyes forward - dark colours make them recede which is exactly what you don’t want. This eye shadow should be applied all over the lid to create the illusion you have more lid space.  

So what are the perfect lashes for Hooded eyes?  

Hooded eyes have the tendency to make your eyes look smaller. So choose long and fluttery lashes and apply them directly above the top centre of your lash line to open up the eyes. SG Girl About Town or SG Girl Overboard would be perfect for this.  

Both of these lashes can be attached with our super LinerBond™ a revolutionary new lash eyeliner that holds your lashes with its own adhesive strength doing away with the need for magnets or messy glue. It only takes seconds to apply, stays on all day and in all weathers and best of all you’ll look amazing and feel wonderful!